Hip-Muscle Activity in Men and Women During Resisted Side Stepping With Different Band Positions

Compared differences in muscle activation with the resisted side stepping in a squat position with the band around 3 different positions (Knees, ankle feet).

Key Points:

  • Side stepping in the squat position with a resistive band placed around the feet elicited more activity in the gluteal muscles without increasing activity in the tensor fascia lata muscle compared with a resistive band placed around the ankles.
  • Band placement around the feet is most appropriate when the therapeutic goal is to focus on muscle activation to resist hip adduction and internal rotation.
  • Activation of the gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata muscles was greater in women than in men.
  • Trunk inclination, hip-flexion angle, and hip-abduction excursion were greater in women than in men.

LINK: http://natajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.4085/1062-6050-46-16

Hip-Muscle Activity in Men and Women During Resisted Side Stepping With Different Band Positions Cara L. Lewis, PhD, PT*; Hanna D. Foley, DPT, PT*; Theresa S. Lee, DPT, PT*; Justin W. Berry, PhD, DPT, PT†